Why no 6 Speed manual

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Why no 6 Speed manual

Why do the Euro versions get a 6 speed manual, but US version get only a 5 speed. Makes no sense.
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Re: Why no 6 Speed manual

The reason they could not bring the 6spd manual to the US is the additional cross bracing required up front and that prevented the 6spd manual from fitting, but their existing 5spd did so that's what we get, for now.

I hear they are going to try and modify things enough to enable the 6spd manual to be added to the car's specs later on, but for now, it's the 5spd and a very good 5spd at that.

My guess when this car gets refreshed for the 2013 MY, it'll probably have the 6spd manual then.

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Re: Why no 6 Speed manual

In reply to this post by vaguer
vaguer wrote
Why do the Euro versions get a 6 speed manual, but US version get only a 5 speed. Makes no sense.
Hi vaguer, welcome to the forum!

Like ciddyguy says there is a brace on the US car that interferes with the extension housing on the 6 speed. In the picture it is labeled the "third load path".  

This third load path helps the already strong body absorb even greater forces than the Euro 500. The picture below is of a car that underwent a 40mph crash test.  The drivers door on this car opens and closes normally. It was quite impressive.

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Re: Why no 6 Speed manual

I remember when Fiat went to a 5-speed transmission for the X1/9 in 1979 to replace the four-speed. It wouldn't fit because the longer transmission would interfere with a major chassis member. Fiat simply modified the frame by cutting an indent into it so it would fit. For the 500, it probably wasn't that easy of a fix.
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Re: Why no 6 Speed manual

RacerRon wrote
I remember when Fiat went to a 5-speed transmission for the X1/9 in 1979 to replace the four-speed. It wouldn't fit because the longer transmission would interfere with a major chassis member. Fiat simply modified the frame by cutting an indent into it so it would fit. For the 500, it probably wasn't that easy of a fix.

The engineers where  looking at the using the 6 speed but then received word the chassis precluded it and dropped the idea.  The 5 speed ratios are the best they had to choose from.  I like the 5 speed. There is good pickup in the higher gears and the car is pretty quiet and smooth.  I was cruising on the highway in 4th and didn't realize it.
Prima Edizione  29