This is how insurance companies see the Fiat 500

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This is how insurance companies see the Fiat 500

From my insurance agent:
"the rating factor is higher because it's a small car and all companies look at if there was a accident the car will not provide as much safe and it most cases would be totaled. So this is the reason it will rate a little bit higher, but this was just an est. because the information for 2012 is not in the system as of yet."
" the car it's self can be totaled as small as it is and the companies feel like they will pay for a total loss so the rate will be higher. "

The safety page of this website shows that compared to many average ( larger ) cars like Chevy, Ford, the 500 is just as safe. Chances of being totaled should be the same as with other cars. Is the insurance company looking for an excuse to use higher rates?
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Re: This is how insurance companies see the Fiat 500

Mike S
What insurance company is this?

Time to shop around.