Paint protective film?

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Paint protective film?

After seeing the rock chips and bugs on the test-drive model, I going to install a clear bra(paint protective film) on my upcoming Sport. I have done some research and made some calls, found out that no factory-make pattern for the 500 yet. All has to be done by custom install. Does anyone have clear bra installed on yours yet. especially on the PE?
SF Bay Area, CA
Sport Auto
Color unknown
POC - 4/6
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Re: Paint protective film?

Hi HOicHO,

Mark Allison of Allison Automotive is working with StarShield (Makers of the film for the Lotus Elise).  He already has gotten them to digitize his car.  The pattern should be ready for production sometime in the next two weeks.   I am pretty sure he will be a distributor for the Fiat products. Give him a call. Allison Automotive, 1565 Howard Access Rd. Upland, CA 91786  Phone: 909-981-3566.

Please let him know I sent you.... :)


Prima Edizone #419 Rosso/Sunroof/EB Heater