Future Fiat Studio

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Future Fiat Studio

Not sure if anyone else cares (outside of Omaha), but I'm being told by a reliable source that this building (located at 120th and Dodge) will be the future home of Fiat of Omaha.  It is already owned by the dealer and was once a Ford dealership until they moved out.  My source was unclear at this point if this will be the initial location as well or if they will go with the showroom in a showroom concept first.  The location is not the best, but a ready built building (that is empty) would seem to be a logical choice.

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Re: Future Fiat Studio

 Thanks Vlad92,

Seeing an empty store like this is heartbreaking, and i think of the impact closing down a business has on the families. Hopefully, there can be new life breathed into this building and it can once again benefit the community.

By the way, this site is all about information and discussion. Anyone who can bring news, information and/or opinion, it is much valued and we all thank you!


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