Fiat 500 USA Forum switching to vBulletin tomorrow

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Fiat 500 USA Forum switching to vBulletin tomorrow

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I'm switching over to vBulletin Tuesday May 31 at noon.  What I'm doing is importing all the posts from
The Nabble forum to VBulletin so that might take a few hours.  This is unusual because
Nabble doesn't have a ready made migrate program, so I had someone write a custom script
To accomplish this. Usually the Nabble forum would just be turned off.

I want to preserve what was posted before the move.  I want to thank everyone in advance of this
move for their patience.

I'll post more info tomorrow morning.  Thanks !!


edited for spelling... I need a bigger screen on my phone! ;)
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Re: Fiat 500 USA Forum switching to vBulletin tomorrow

Just to remind folks, I will be importing all the posts from Nabble today at around noon, so hold off posting around 11:30 AM. This way, I'll be able to grab everyone's comments.

I can't turn off this Nabble forum, so you'll have to go to, to see the new forum. That should be live sometime this afternoon.

Once you go to the new forum, you'll have to register your name again (I can't import your registration data).

I hope you'll enjoy the new forum, it has a few interesting articles on the 500, etc.  It is also a work in progress as I'll refine the look, and I'll ask for your input on that.

I'll see you there!

Best regards,
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Re: Fiat 500 USA Forum switching to vBulletin tomorrow

In reply to this post by Fiat500USA
Last 10 years I am a user of Fiat 500 brand.  i am not getting the meaning of vBulletin in this forum discussion. Anyone can inform me.............
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