Fiat 500 Smartphone App

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Fiat 500 Smartphone App

Remember this story: Smartphone App for the Fiat 500

The App should be launching soon... within the month;)

Prima Edizione  29
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Re: Fiat 500 Smartphone App

Mike S
I'm looking for a reason to buy an iphone but this ain't one of them. I want a real owners manual that I keep in my glovebox.

It would be a nice perk to get an advance copy of our owners manuals so we can study.
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Re: Fiat 500 Smartphone App

Mike S wrote
I'm looking for a reason to buy an iphone but this ain't one of them. I want a real owners manual that I keep in my glovebox.

It would be a nice perk to get an advance copy of our owners manuals so we can study.

I think you can still order the owners manual. I want a hard copy, too.  I actually bought my Android so I could download this! LOL

By the way, the 20th seems like a good day to check on this;)
Prima Edizione  29
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Re: Fiat 500 Smartphone App

This is not an Apple App, is it. If so, I can't find it. Do you have any updates on this.
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Re: Fiat 500 Smartphone App

 Well from what I've read the App will be for Android first and then Apple later. Keep checking everyday.

The Dodge App just came out on the 20th.
Prima Edizione  29